Elin Lännsjö has visited Postgatan 16. “An immediate scent from the open fire and a beautiful venue greeted us right away. An exciting encounter between stucco and pillars that exuded the 19th century, and the rough-hewn bar in raw granite,” she begins.
Elin describes the food as “small dishes with compositions that delicately dance on the tongue in surprising harmony – and the highlights of the evening? Well, you definitely shouldn’t miss: The baked oyster with browned butter and horseradish!” She recommends several of Gurras’ dishes and talks about the wine that Ture helped pair.
Read more about Elin’s visit to Gurras here!
Göteborgs-Posten writes about the fire in the kitchen, which is described as both giving off
a faint scent of bonfire while at the same time giving a feeling of care. Göteborgs-Posten tells about what they get to enjoy on the plate, and the deep-fried lobster gets a standing ovation and is described as seductively good. For dessert, Göteborgs-Posten enjoys our grilled pineapple with yuzu sorbet, licorice and roasted white chocolate –
and the review was “It’s ridiculously good.
We never want to eat another dessert”. Göteborgs-Posten concludes the review by writing “What is the real deal with Gurras? Well, it feels like having met a new best friend.” The rating was 23 out of 25 possible points by Göteborgs-Posten. Many thanks to Göteborgs-Posten for the visit and read the entire article here!